Working with the youth is a wonderful privilege and opportunity that brings us great joy in seeing their happiness and success.   Team Better Chances    

"We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone."  Ronald Reagan

Kadir Abdullahi CHW, CRM

Founder & President  


I came to the United States as a Somali-Kenyan refugee in 1998. I was a teenager in a whole new world without my parents. I have experienced almost everything that would make a person want to quit trying to do better, but I am resilient. I continue to move forward and help others along the way. I regularly encourage people to take chances and make choices that will improve their lives. I strive to find and give people opportunities to uplift and empower them leading them to Better Chances in life. 

Talietha Mathis CHW,CRM



For as long as I can remember, I have had the desire to help others in need. Growing up my family didn't have the best life, but it wasn't the worst life. We always had a roof over or head, clothes and food. I have experienced trauma various forms, but I am resilient. I truly believe "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful." Everyone deserves opportunities to improve their life and overall well-being. I will continue to help others as long as I can breathe.   

Marcia Adamson



 I came to the United States from Brazil over 20 years ago. At the time there was a small Brazilian community. But it was ok because I make friends easily with all people. I understand life is not easy for most of us and everyone can help someone if they try. It brings me joy knowing that I am able to heIp people improve their lives. 

     Thank you, to Our Partners!